Do you require multifactor authentication (MFA) to access email?


  • Implement MFA as a mandatory requirement for accessing email accounts.

  • Educate employees on the importance of using MFA for email security.

  • Ensure consistent adherence to MFA across all email access points.

  • Corporate Email Security Policy for [Company Name]


    1. Policy Objective

    To ensure the security and integrity of [Company Name]’s email communications by implementing measures to detect and block spam, malicious links, and attachments, and by requiring multifactor authentication (MFA) for email access.

    2. Scope

    This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party partners who have access to [Company Name]’s corporate email systems.

    3. Email Security Measures

    3.1. Email Filtering Tool

    Requirement: [Company Name] will utilize an advanced email filtering tool to detect and block spam, malicious links, and potentially harmful attachments. The filtering tool will:

    ·         Spam Detection: Identify and filter out unsolicited and unwanted email messages.

    ·         Malicious Links: Scan and block emails containing links to known malicious websites or phishing attempts.

    ·         Attachment Scanning: Analyze attachments for potential threats such as viruses, malware, or other harmful content.

    3.2. Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

    Requirement: All users must enable multifactor authentication (MFA) to access their corporate email accounts. MFA provides an additional layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity through multiple factors, such as:

    ·         Something You Know: A password or passphrase.

    ·         Something You Have: A mobile device or security token.

    ·         Something You Are: Biometric verification (e.g., fingerprint or facial recognition) if applicable.

    4. Responsibilities

    4.1. IT Department

    Implementation and Maintenance: The IT Department is responsible for implementing and maintaining the email filtering tool and ensuring MFA is configured and enforced across all email accounts.

    Monitoring and Support: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the email filtering tool, and provide support and guidance to users regarding MFA setup and troubleshooting.

    4.2. Employees

    Compliance: Employees must comply with this policy by using email accounts in accordance with security best practices and ensuring that MFA is enabled and functioning correctly.

    Reporting Issues: Report any issues related to email security, such as suspicious emails or problems with MFA, to the IT Department immediately.

    5. Policy Review

    5.1. Review Schedule

    Frequency: This policy will be reviewed and updated annually or as necessary to address changes in technology, security threats, or business requirements.

    5.2. Responsibility

    Policy Review: The IT Department, in coordination with the Compliance Team, will conduct the review and update of this policy.

    6. Approval and Communication

    6.1. Approval

    Policy Approval: This policy is approved by the [Company Name] Executive Management Team.

    6.2. Communication

    Policy Distribution: Communicate this policy to all employees and relevant stakeholders. Ensure that all users are aware of and understand their responsibilities under this policy.

    7. Contact Information

    For any questions or further clarification regarding this policy, please contact the IT Department at [contact information].

    This policy aims to protect [Company Name]’s email communications from security threats and ensure that access to email accounts is secured through multifactor authentication.