Is multi-factor authentication (MFA, two-factor) required to remotely connect to the network?


  • Mandate the use of MFA for all remote access to the company network.

  • Ensure remote access systems are configured to enforce MFA.

  • Educate employees on the importance of using MFA for remote access.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Policy for Remote Access and Applications

    1. Policy Objective

    To enhance the security of [Company Name]’s network and applications by mandating the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all remote connections and access to corporate applications, including email and SaaS applications.

    2. Scope

    This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party partners who remotely connect to [Company Name]’s network or access corporate applications, including but not limited to email and SaaS platforms.

    3. MFA Requirements

    3.1. Remote Network Access

    Requirement: MFA is required for all remote access to [Company Name]’s network. This includes connections via virtual private network (VPN), remote desktop protocols (RDP), and any other methods used to connect to the company's internal systems.

    3.2. Access to Corporate Applications

    Requirement: MFA is also required for accessing all corporate applications, including but not limited to:

    ·         Email Accounts: Corporate email systems must be accessed using MFA.

    ·         SaaS Applications: All Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications used for business purposes must be protected by MFA.

    3.3. MFA Methods

    Authentication Factors: MFA must include at least two of the following authentication factors:

    ·         Something You Know: A password or passphrase.

    ·         Something You Have: A mobile device, security token, or smart card.

    ·         Something You Are: Biometric verification (e.g., fingerprint, facial recognition), if applicable.

    4. Responsibilities

    4.1. IT Department

    Implementation: The IT Department is responsible for implementing MFA solutions across all network access points and corporate applications.

    Support: Provide support to users for MFA setup and troubleshooting, and ensure that MFA solutions are kept up to date and secure.

    Monitoring: Regularly monitor and review MFA compliance and effectiveness.

    4.2. Users

    Compliance: Users must comply with this policy by using MFA for all remote network connections and application access.

    Setup and Maintenance: Users are responsible for setting up MFA according to IT Department instructions and maintaining the security of their MFA devices.

    5. Policy Review

    5.1. Review Schedule

    Frequency: This policy will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed to adapt to changes in technology, business needs, or security threats.

    5.2. Responsibility

    Policy Review: The IT Department, in collaboration with the Compliance Team, will oversee the review and update of this policy.

    6. Approval and Communication

    6.1. Approval

    Policy Approval: This policy is approved by the [Company Name] Executive Management Team.

    6.2. Communication

    Policy Distribution: Communicate this policy to all employees and relevant stakeholders. Ensure that they are informed of the MFA requirements and their responsibilities under this policy.

    7. Contact Information

    For any questions or further clarification regarding this policy, please contact the IT Department at [contact information].

    This policy ensures that [Company Name] protects its network and applications by requiring robust multi-factor authentication for remote access and application use, thereby enhancing overall security.